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International News

Is Gates Stupid or Very Clever with Vaccines?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong I was in a discussion with a friend about current affairs – me, against Bill Gates and the likes and him, taking a more neutral...

Thuringia in Germany Abandons Virus Restrictions

The free state of Thuringia in Germany, which has 2.15 million inhabitants, has declared that it will abolish all national corona protection regulations as of June...

We are Headed into War

There is clearly a new Cold War that has begun between China and the United States which is not going to end nicely. This is the direct result of this Politically...

US Crowds Defy Lockdowns

Americans are defying the lockdown orders throughout the country from California to the Atlantic Seaboard. People have discarded their masks which the CDC...

Tapes Leaked showing Biden did What They Tried to Impeach Trump On Leaked phone calls between Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro...

Gates Population Control Agenda

Hong Kong Peg to Crack in June?

China’s Communist Party will impose a sweeping national security law in Hong Kong during the annual meeting of its top political body, criminalizing...

The 2020 Election

QUESTION: Hi Marty, What is your prediction for the 2020 election now this bug “crisis” has stirred everything up? Do you think they will try and run...