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International News

Is Greta Trying to Cash in on the Coronavirus?

Even Greta Thunberg is getting in on the act by trying to claim she has the coronavirus. She wrote in a social media post on Tuesday that she and her father had...

White House Tries to Explain The Ferguson Model Was Just Wrong

The White House has appointed world-renowned global health official and physician Ambassador Deborah Birx to the Office of the Vice President to aid in the whole of...

Neil Ferguson Appears before Parliament

Neil Ferguson appears before Parliament to explain why they were wrong. “We based our recommendation on early data from China saying 20% of those infected...

UK Government Downgrades Coronavirus as No Longer Highly Dangerous

The British government has downgraded the coronavirus from being an acute infectious disease with a high case fatality rate. After reviewing the data, they have...

Ferguson Reverses his Claims on the Virus were Wrong

One of the people who has assisted in this panic over the coronavirus has been Neil Ferguson, who led the @imperialcollege authors who warned of 500,000 deaths and...

G7 Cancels June Meeting Using Teleconferencing Instead

The image of a world forced to shelter in place was on display vividly last week when the Group of Seven (G7) leading industrial nations scrapped its annual June...

CDC is a Private Organization – Not Government!

  Some people have questioned my concern over both the CDC and John Hopkins University is a PRIVATE organization where the CDC accepts private funding –...

Is Bloomberg Behind the John Hopkins University Virus Map that Has Scared the World?

Some people have wondered who is behind the John Hopkins University map. Is there a political connection or is this just academic incompetence? I believe it clearly...

Failure of Coronavirus Bill to Address Economic Collapse

The details of the package for relief is not going to really address the crisis. The key elements of the Senate Bill that are included are: $1,200 cash assistance...

Italy & Spain Fining People for Breaking Quarantine

  The Italian government is considering tightening up existing quarantine restrictions as more than 53,000 people in the country have been charged by police in...