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International News

Boris Johnson Wins Britain Right on Target

Boris Johnson has been elected as the new Prime Minister of Britain and he has promised to take Britain out of the European Union “come what may.”...

Black Vests Storm Paris

The Black Vests are rising up in France. This group is composed of undocumented Africans who are in France and demanding to stay. Hundreds of these undocumented...

Middle East Chaos

The Middle East has been in turmoil and Trump has stood his ground against the neo-cons. The UAE is trying to avoid involving its nation in the conflict with Iran...

The Jeffrey Epstein Affair & the Deafening Silence from Washington

Why is no one in the D.C. political class and media bubble really talking about the Jeffrey Epstein affair? They will mention it casually, but they prefer to allow...

Are the Neo-Cons in League with Israel?

QUESTION: Do you think the neo-cons who pushed the Iraq War and are pushing to annihilate Iran now, are covertly in league with Israel? Anonymous ANSWER: There is...

Concentration v Internment

COMMENT: Hi, Yes, you are correct in both cases but the underlying issue is the ethics (or morality if you believe we are under the thrall of a higher power) of...

Omar’s Anti-Semitic Comments Glossed over by Democrats

The House approved a second resolution last week condemning “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry” in a move that Democrats...

The Squad of Four is the Reason there are Directions on Shampoo Bottles

Sen. John Kennedy appeared on Tucker Carlson to discuss “The Squad,” composed of Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of...

Singapore Economy Turns Down & China Exports Decline

They are calling it an unexpected contraction in Singapore’s economy which is in line with our Economic Confidence Model which bottoms in January 2020. In...

Italy Seizes Missile from Far Right Activists

The tensions in Europe continue to rise as the entire refugee issue has led to a major polarization within Europe. In Italy, the BBC reported that an anti-terrorism...