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International News

EU Starting to Expose its Communist Agenda

  Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the EU and Commissioner for Competition, has spoken out that EU states should now nationalize companies in...

The Propaganda & China

COMMENT: RE China analysis Marty, It is so clear to me that you have not been exposed to the changing workforce and have always worked for yourself. How did I get...

COVID-19 Miracle Cure for All Other Disease Prevents Heart Attacks

  If you want to become a doctor right now you can become one without years of training in New York City. Just attribute all deaths to COVID-19 so Governor...

Why is WHO Demanding Sweden Lockdown? Because They Show The Lockdown Makes no Difference?

  It is very interesting that the death rate in Sweden is by no means excessive compared to any other Western country that has locked its citizens down. The...

Is Bill Gates the Dark Lord?

COMMENT: You are right. A lot more people are starting to question Bill Gates and is he becoming the dark lord against our republics. He is not only elected, not...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & the EU Conspiracy

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & the EU Conspiracy Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Limitation of the President & Have the States Violated the Constitution Imposing a Lockdown?

(DOWNLOAD this Article: Commerce Clause.docx QUESTION: Can Trump reopen the economy at will? UT ANSWER: There is no doubt that Americans have been getting a civics...

A Post From Germany

From Anonymous in Germany: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, In Germany advocate, Ms. Beate Bahner went to the Supreme Court to question the denial of fundamental ground...

The Fate of All Nations

The economy like a man seated on a rock among fallen trees in a forest with his chin propped up by his arm resting on his thigh, while high overhead the wind of...

New Zealand Police Can Bust Into Your House & Do Anything They Think is Reasonably Necessary To Enforce Lockdown

In New Zealand, civil liberties have been suspended and may not return. The new police powers during the Covid-19 alert level 4 lockdown reveals authorities have...