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International News

Turkey & the Real Risk of a Debt Crisis

The Treasury and Finance Ministry of Turkey announced that the country’s net external debt stock totaled $286.2 billion going into the end of the 3rd quarter of...

Ken Starr Former Special Prosecutor Admits Withholding Facts on Vince Foster from Congress

Kenn Star admitted FBI agents investigating the death of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster learned that Hillary’s humiliation of Foster in front of...

SNL Does Theresa May

Germany to Decide if It Can Nationalize Private Property

There has been a real crisis evolving in Berlin. When the Wall came crashing down, East Germany regarded that it owned all the property and thus sold vast tracts of...

The Treaty of Rome & 2020

QUESTION: I believe back at your 1985 WEC, if I remember correctly, besides the 2016 target for the first opportunity for a third party type president, you also...

Julian Assange Has Been Arrested by British Police

  Julian Assange has been arrested by British police. The USA will no doubt want to put him on trial for ensuring Hillary lost the White House. The British...

The First Black Hole Has Been Photographed

  For many years, there were arguments that black holes were nonsense and did not exist. Astronomers have captured the first image of a black hole, which has...

Democrats Pushing Us to War?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for bringing attention to the geopolitical consequences of the Russia Hoax in your china-backing-russia-in-venezuela...

Trump’s Agenda is Officially Dead

  We should not expect Trump to get any of his agenda items through Congress. Trump’s promises to replace the Affordable Care Act, invest in...