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International News

It’s Mueller Time!

While the Democrats and Trump haters were desperately counting on Mueller’s report, anyone with a shred of common sense would have known there would not be...

Britain – Hard Exit or Cancellation of BREXIT

  After months of political deadlock, the House of Commons voted by 413-202 last week to ask the EU to delay Britain’s exit. Prime Minister May has...

PRIVATE BLOG: BREXIT – Hard Exit or Cancel

PRIVATE BLOG – BREXIT – Hard Exit or Cancel Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Can European Sovereign Debt Really Crash Without a Free Market?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, When the stock market crashed in 1929, followed by the bonds into 1933, we saw a minor bump in the stock market. As this occurred during a...

India v Pakistan & the 2019/2020 Turning Point

The last time that Indian and Pakistan were at war was back in 1971. Our War Model turned up in 1964 and indeed it marked the beginning of the US Vietnam War. In...

How Europe Will Kill Tourism – The Age of Big Brother is Upon Us

The world seems to be moving toward complete control over the freedom of movement. Most likely, we are approaching that critical point where governments are afraid...

Scottish Independence & BREXIT

QUESTION: Marty, Big fat question for you regarding the UK and the SNP. You seemed to support Scotland breaking away from the UK in 2014, but since then you’ve...

Travel Restriction coming in 2021 to Europe

CLARIFICATION: Just to clarify, is it not the EU, It is the Schengen Area only. You will have no problems having an event in Ireland … you should come over,...

Finland Government Collapses & Why the Media is Silent

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your movie the Forecaster was on TV here in Scandinavia. That introduced me to your research. When I discovered your film was on TV in...

The Hong Kong Dollar Peg – When Will it Break?

Hong Kong’s intervened to support the Hong Kong dollar for the first time since August 2018 after the exchange rate fell to the lower end of its trading band...