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International News

Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi to Run for EU Seat

Silvio Berlusconi announced his candidacy for European elections in May due to a “sense of responsibility.” Indeed, this may be the best thing that ever...

New York Times Becomes Really A Puppet of the Deep State?

This entire affair of desperately trying to paint Trump in league with Putin to defeat Hillary is beyond any comprehension.  Not a single left-wing press from...

Ocasio-Cortez Gets Seat on House Financial Services Committee Overseeing Wall Street

If you ever needed proof that government is collapsing, here it is live and in full color. Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was just placed...

This is How the USA Will Collapse – Congress is Incapable to Ruling the Country

Believe it or not, members of Congress continue to get paid even when there is a shutdown on the basis that Congress refuses to fund the government. Elizabeth...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has Contracted Pneumonia

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, while fighting cancer, has now contracted Pneumonia and is fighting for her life. From a purely cyclical perspective, there should be another...

BREXIT Deal of PM Down in Defeat

Prime Minister Theresa May now faces a no-confidence vote after her BREXIT plan was defeated to be submitted by opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn....

Merkel Offering to Pay One-Year’s Living Expenses if Refugees Leave Europe

The latest game in Germany is now Merkel, who offered cash to refugees to return last November, has stepped up her game and offered to pay their living expenses for...

Police Funding Themselves by Confiscating People’s Property

The government is using Civil Asset Forfeiture to simply rob people. The numbers are in for Texas along. The police department stole $50 million in confiscations...

The Wave of Illegal Aliens Converge on Los Angeles

There is a major battle going on in Southern California as all the people who have come across the border but have no place live. All the posturing against Trump...

Understanding Why the Euro is a Failure & The One Big Happy Family

If you ask in Europe are people happy with the Euro, you will generally get a response of about 80% in favor. Even if you ask are people happy to be part of the EU,...