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International News

The Zombie Apocalypse May Be Here – But it’s the Bird Flu not the Coronavirus

The more traditional bird flu has appeared in the same area of China. The bird flu outbreak was reported Saturday in Hunan, which borders the province of Hubei...

Ukrainian Prosecutor Files Against Biden For Abuse of Power

  Well, things have gotten even more dramatic. It has been confirmed as reported in Les Crises that former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has filed...

Was the Impeachment a Sham?

QUESTION: Do you think the Trump acquittal was fair? HB ANSWER: Yes. This whole thing is political and was staged for the election. Pelosi said she opposed...

The Economic Confidence Model & the European Economy

The economies of France and Italy shrank in the fourth quarter of 2019. There is stagnation in Europe. Negative signals are also coming from the Far East. The...

Coronavirus & HIV – The Truth?

The conspiracy network is alive and thriving and the gist of this is that the coronavirus is created in some lab because it has a sequence that is similar to HIV. I...

What Percent of the Population Has the Coronavirus?

QUESTION: Marty, it seems that this virus is turning into a major scaremongering contest to boost ratings for people like CNN. Even if we take 10,000 cases in China...

Coronavirus & the Numbers

    There have been a number of questions regarding (1) can we trust the numbers from China, and (2) why recoveries are not higher. First, the US has sent...

The Euro v Pound

Despite all the yelling and threats on top of forecasts that Britain will fall apart without the EU, the markets do not reflect such a doomsday outlook. We do see...