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International News

India & the Emerging Market Crisis

India’s financial markets are in the throes of this Emerging Market crisis. The Mumbai-based Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) is an...

Australian Camels Invading Cities?

    Most people never even knew that there were camels in Australia. Actually, they are not native and they never could have swum there. In the gold rush...

Is the Allegations Against Kavanaugh like the French False Trial of Child Abuse?

I am certainly not partisan here in this matter. I have previously written that I did not care for Brett Kavanaugh based upon his decisions in law. I have read...

Katla Building to a Major Event?

They claim that all the world’s nations combined pumped nearly 38.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air from the burning of fossil fuels such as...

Russiagate – The Slow Drip of the Coup to Take over Russia

Little by little the truth is starting to surface with respect to the blackmail of Yeltsin and the attempt to take over Russia during the 2000 election. Now the...

German Refugees Do Not Event Know their Birth Dates

In Germany, the overwhelming number of refugees have no papers whatsoever. The government remains clueless as to who so many people really are. Over 200,000...

IMF Warns Britain not Brussels About Hard Exit – Another Political Forecast

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have tracked the IMF forecasts alongside yours and it clearly appears that they are mimicking you very closely. However, something...

Deep State is just getting deeper & Rosenstein is a member of a coup to overthrow an elected official destroying the Constitution ending Democracy

The Deep State is just getting deeper, yet like an onion, the layers are slowing peeling away to expose the core. Members of Congress filed impeachment motions...

Is Democracy dying here?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; the hatred is off the charts as you say. I actually saw a young girl with a Trump hat at the gas station and two people were throwing things...

Come Join the Bring a Rock Gathering

  The girl who was riding the bike and gave the finger to Trump is now qualified to run the country. I am sure she understands economics, world trade,...