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International News

China Backing Russia in Venezuela

QUESTION: Did China also send troops to Venezuela? What do you make of that? GW ANSWER: Yes. This is part of the fallout from the Democrats attacking the Russians...

Erdogan Demands Recounts

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have demanded recounts in 39 districts that they lost and have prevailed on...

German Economy Turning Down Hard into 2020

The German economy is what holds up Europe. The data on the industrial sector in Germany is out and it has disappointed everyone once again with production dropping...

Most British Now Just Want to Leave with NO DEAL – Get out while they can the polls show

Perhaps there is some new plague that only affects politicians on a global scale. It seems no matter what country we look at, it is simply going completely insane...

Canadian Extremists Want to Sue all the Oil Companies for Causing Climate Change

In Canada, the left is urging lawsuits against oil companies to force them to pay for all the damage to the climate. Honestly, the oil companies should announce...

Federal Judge Orders the Torture of Chelsea Manning – U.S. Violates Human Rights

  One of the most ruthless and unconstitutional powers federal judges have is to throw people into contempt until they break. The press NEVER reports the truth...

PM May to Join Left Against Her Own Party?

Anyone who wants to understand why the dollar is the only game in town, all they need do is look at the politics in Europe. It is just absurd. In Britain, Prime...

Turkey Elections

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have won every vote since the party first came to power in 2002, but this time,...

Financial, Political & Banking Chaos in Europe Going into May

The British Parliament has rejected Prime Minister May’s BREXIT plan for a third time. This now leaves them to come up with a plan that Brussels must accept...

PRIVATE BLOG – Emerging Market Chaos

PRIVATE BLOG: Emerging Market Chaos Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...