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International News

Is SO2 the Real Threat – not CO2?

It has snowed in Alberta, Canada on August 1st in the dead of summer. Such strange events like this have not been common. Europe is burning from heat when buildings...

What Comes After Trump Will Be a Major Political Confrontation that May Lead to Civil War

  The man who took a pickaxe and destroyed Trump’s Star in Holywood’s Walk of Fame was booked on a felony vandalism charge. I have stated before,...

42,000-year-old worms revived from Siberian permafrost

Well, it looks like you can’t just freeze politicians and end their reign of terror. It turns out, they might still be thawed out 42,000 years later beginning...

Is the Climate Change Preparation for the Pole Shift?

  A reader sent this is where ice storms are happening daily this summer in Calgary, Canada. In Bavaria, where I am currently, it is the hottest in 200 years....

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says We Live in Hyper-Capitalism & Socialism Will Conquer the World?

The Democrats are counting on a new generation of Socialists who know even less about how things work than just about anyone else perhaps in history. Alexandria...

The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home

You really cannot make up a story like this, because it sounds just so unbelievable. I am in Germany on business and did not see the place overrun with refugees as...

Polarization Between Left & Right is Spreading to the Teens

The teens are turning to the latest thing – Flop Accounts.  An account typically found on Instagram and are normally fandom based (fan based subculture) to...

Magnitsky Affair & the Murder of Edmond Safra in Monaco

QUESTION: Dear Mr Amstrong, Following up on the Magnitsky Affair, you might be in a position to answer a question which has always puzzled me : Has Edmond Safra...

CNN Confirmed Money Was Stolen from IMF

In the movie The Forecaster, I explained that they got Yeltsin to take money from the IMF loans and then they steered that wire through the Bank of New York. As...

Another Volcano Erupts in the Pacific

We have another volcano erupting in the Pacific and this time the entire island of  Vanuatu island is being completely evacuated for a second time as its volcano...