The Democratic presidential debate in Detroit on Tuesday exposed the battle over the direction of the Democratic Party and its strategy to win back the White House...
California is at war with Donald Trump. The state is currently involved in more than 40 lawsuits with the Trump administration on issues ranging from environmental...
Behind the curtain, many House Democrats are becoming deeply concerned that the attention given to the “Squad of Four” among their ranks is having the...
Unfortunately, as governments begin to collapse moving into 2021/2022 due to the complete failure of Socialism, they will not simply yield to the people and admit...
COMMENT: You are quite correct Mr. Armstrong. Prime minister Boris Johnson spoke that “no deal” Brexit looks like a surety and the FTSE 100 skyrocketed...
Sources behind the curtain are talking about a real political war unfolding. While the Democrats are so desperate to impeach Trump on the prayer they can win the...
The entire feud between Britain and Brussels has been over the border in Ireland between north and south. Brussels fears that there will be a free-flow of goods...
COMMENT: So Democrats and Republicans both believe that Americans are too stupid to make up their own minds about who to vote for is essentially the problem....
If you only watch one thing today, make it this: — Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) July 17, 2019 What is most interesting is...
QUESTION: Marty, it seems the Mueller’s testimony was really bad for the Democrats and it looks like Mueller refused to investigate the fact that Hillary paid...