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International News

Italy – the Coming Revolution & Euro Crisis for 2021?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you obviously have a database on Italy that is without comparison. Nobody else even had a chart on the Italian lira you recently published...

Refugees Storming Ceuta Border to Get Free Welfare

The rush to get into Europe for free welfare has led to a land invasion of Spanish territory in Africa. Around 400 African refugees stormed the beautiful Spanish...

Magnitsky Act & the Strange Backdrop

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong – thanks for your efforts on providing us with links to the Magnitski video. I began watching the video last night and then came back to...

The Refugee Crisis – Germany Can’t Find 50% of those They Now Want to Deport

Merkel’s nightmare is simply beyond description. Now that Europe is trying to at least deport some of these pretend “refugee” migrants from North...

Is CNN Creating a Civil War?

COMMENT: From Europe, we are looking at your CNN and it really has become just propaganda and fake news. I was not a fan of Trump, but I have to say, he has done a...

Australian Drought Getting Really Bad & the Tilt of the Earth

Farmers in South Australia have been forced to feed sheep with onions that were rejected for commercial sale due to a shortage of feed. Besides the energy output of...

Why is Former Ambassador Refusing to be Questioned by Russians?

John McCain is one politician I have no respect for whatsoever. My opinion of him was formed before his war against Trump. His background many have viewed as a...

Another Banned Documentary Hidden from Americans Concerning Russia

The entire story in the Western Press has painted Trump as being some sort of puppet of Putin. The latest story is how the press is touting that Trump, Jr. said...

First Corporate Bankruptcy in China & How the Central Bank is Addressing the Problem

The the first debt bankruptcy of a major corporation in China has now taken place here on schedule in 2018. This first bankruptcy of a major corporation was due to...

Trump Revolution Spreads to Democrats & They Miss the Point of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The Trump Revolution has clearly now spread to the Democrats. People do not understand that the Trump Revolution is NOT about a particular philosophy. It is about...