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International News

Soros Sneaking Around to Meet with the President of Spain off the Official Agenda

Sources in Spain have confirmed that the new president, Pedro Sánchez, met with George Soros secretly last Wednesday afternoon in Moncloa. They met around 7 PM for...

López Obrador Wins Mexico 43.7%

López Obrador has won Mexico but its political system is flawed as is most parliamentary type systems. It allows for coalitions to be formed from very different...

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada...

The 6 Month Rule on Passports

COMMENT:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, I look to help others as you do. My wife turned 60 in June and we planned a trip to Milan and Lake Como on June 30.  We arrived at...

The Coldest Place of Earth May Not Be the Hearts of Politicians in Congress

The coldest place on earth many believe is Washington DC who really could care less about the country or the people but they are fantastic at pretending such things...

Another Volcano Erupts in Indonesia

  We now have another volcano erupting in the Pacific. The second one happened in Indonesia. Mount Agung on the Indonesian island began to erupt on Thursday...

Welcome to Dollar Vertigo – China to Ban Dollar Borrowing?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, it seems that whatever you say our government follows. You said China should buy directly from the Treasury and not the New York bank and...

Now 43% of Germans Want Merkel to Resign – More than She Was Elected With!

The polls in Germany show that discontent is now rising and 43% of the people want Merkel to resign. She only won 32.8% to begin with. Germany is also shifting and...

Shooting at Capital Gazette was Personal – not Political

The violence is gradually escalating over a political confrontation that is building between left and right. While the polls now show that 31% of American believe...

Supreme Court Overrules California’s Compelled Speech of Abortion

The Supreme Court delivered a decision in the last week of its session that dealt a major blow to a California law requiring anti-abortion pregnancy centers to...