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International News

Are Politicans Doomed?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You are writing: “Donald Trump is the symptom, not the cause” He is a unique personality. I am a structural engineer and...

Volcanic Activity Melting Ice at the North & South Poles

Scientists have long suspected that there is a thermal heat source under the ice in Antarctica that may be the real cause of some ice melting in that region rather...

Kilauea jolted the Island with a 5.4 magnitude Earthquake & Ash reaching 10,000 feet above sea level

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is really getting bad here in Hawaii. Thank you for your writings on volcanos. It helped me convince my family to move to another island....

Europeans Pray for QE to End?

  There is much hope buzzing around in Europe that Draghi is planning on ending Quantitative Easing. This is giving the Euro a bit of a lift in hopes that...

German Court Rules Govt Can Intercept Communications Without Just Cause

Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig ruled last week that the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) may continue to access data at the world’s largest...

German Healthcare Deficit 300% Greater than Expected Due to Refugees

Healthcare costs have been exploding even in Germany. The revisions in healthcare of about two years ago did expand the coverage, but the expanded costs...

How a Prosecutor’s Case Collapsed in New York City and Exposed Government Corruption in the Process

One of the more fascinating examples of how the government prosecutors are looking for high profile cases to further personal careers rather than actually policing...

Scandinavia Receiving Capital Inflows As Well As Poland & Hungary

Just to Clarify, we are also picking up Capital Inflows from the EU moving into Scandinavia – Denmark, Sweeden & Norway. We also see money moving into...

Warning Capital Outflows from Europe Are the Greatest in the World Economy

  Our models based upon reliable source flow data is currently showing that the Eurozone is the NUMBER ONE place in the world with the greatest amount of...

The Pension Crisis Will Break Up the EU

The German public broadcast agency ARD is proposing structural changes. Due to the low-interest rates, the ECB has placed the agency in hard times with its...