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International News

Swedish Elections Shift to the Right

The Swedish election has shifted to the right thanks to the Refugee Crisis. The Social Democrats came in with the worst result in decades and the right-wing...

New Study Islands are Growing not Sinking with Global Warming Conspiracy

This theory of Global Warming and the oceans will rise and places like New York City and Miami will sink beneath the waves is just so childish it is beyond...

Winter Arrived Snowing in Rome – Climatic Change events result Historically in an increase in Violence

  Unusual Snowfall in February 2018 that Reached Down to Rome COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong; It was snow flurries here in Rome already. This looks like a bitterly...

The Fascinating Story of the Largest Geological Structure on Earth   COMMENT: Just to let you know, already we have a record-breaking cold here in Minnesota. It did not even wait...

Beware of Political Uncertainty

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I take it your concern over Trump from the market perspective is the sheer uncertainty that is evolving. How do you see this playing out...

Caution – The Left Never Plays Nicely with Others

COMMENT: I know a guy who just hates Trump and claims he hates Trump because he is a racist and incompetent and says I am a racist because I did not like Obama. But...

Can Mueller Indict Trump or Can Only Congress Impeach?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said the constitution forbids arresting a member of Congress on his way to the hill. I have never heard of that. Is this why you warn...

Trump the Person v the President

QUESTION: I know you do not support Trump as an individual. It seems most Americans cannot look at this political crisis as detached as you do. They seem to think...

Is Speaker Paul Ryan Part of the Conspiracy Against Trump?

The fact that House Speaker Paul Ryan said he doesn’t see a role for Congress in investigating the identity of the author of a New York Times op-ed,...

How Long Can Trump Survive? The NY Times Aids the Deep State

There has never been a President of the United States who is so hated by the political establishment which is absolutely determined to remove him from office,...