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International News

Should Hospitals be NATIONALIZED?

The symbol of medicine comes from a small town located on the Peloponnese in Greece known as Epidaurus. People would travel there to pray for their health to...

Turkey – Default or War?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My father was ______ the banker who commissioned you to do the Turkish lira hedging project in 1983. He passed away as you know. I found...

Feinstein Fails to Win Democratic Endoresement

We are witnessing the rebuke of career politicians by career politicians. The California Democratic Party took a vote and it concluded it will not endorse Senator...

Protecting Schools

QUESTION: You are not in favor of banning all guns? ANSWER: Absolutely not. If that were the case, the only people with guns will be government and criminals who...

Germany Turning to the Right

What is happening in Germany is very critical because it is a reflection of the global trend. Schultz is under attack because the SPD has fallen to such a state...

Canada Also Adopted the BAIL-IN moving from Socialism to Tyranny

Yes – Canada has also adopted the BAIL-IN abandoning the socialist BAILOUT so banks can take depositors money legally. This is how we move from Capitalism to...

Britain’s New Law UNEXPLAINED WEALTH ORDERS Targeting the Rich

From January 31st, 2018, the UK authorities have a new power. They can now use new and expansive investigative authority to require both individuals and corporate...

Collapse of Socialism – End of Pensions

  I have been warning that we are in the midst of (1) collapse in democracy as the bureaucracy attempts to ensure they get their’s, (2) the collapse of...

California Counties Suing Exxon Commit Securities Fraud?

The Global Warming Conspiracy is desperately trying to destroy the world and end modern society as we know it. Of course, it is California countries who have...