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International News

India Enters the Sovereign Debt Crisis

I have warned continually that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will unfold not so much by people selling government debt, but by the lack of people buying new debt. The...

Mueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump

CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited...

Adapting Machine Learning for Medicine

One project I want to move into after we finally get Socrates up for all levels of service is to turn toward medicine. Google’s AI algorithm predicts heart...

Mueller Trying to Take Down Trump – Will He Create Civil War?

  Prosecutors are really no longer able to prove cases without what is commonly called a “rat” who will take the stand and say whatever the...

Mueller’s Tyrannical Indictment = the Very Reason We had a Revolution

The Grand Jury was supposed to protect citizens from political prosecutions determining only “probable cause” if the government presents their skewed...

Japan Sells US Debt Trying to Ease A Trade War

The Japanese government once again reduced its holdings of US government bonds during December 2017. In total, Japan sold bonds worth $ 22.5 billion. This is not a...

Obama’s Portrait – What Does it Say?

  The official portrait of Obama was painted by Kehinde Wiley. This is a very unusual painting putting a president in a garden setting which traditionally was...

The 2018 Mid-Term Elections

The Mid-Term elections are starting already. There is a huge amount of money being poured into the Democrats to retake the Senate. The entire object here is to...

Mueller Creates his Own Conspiracy

Robert Mueller III issued a 37-page indictment detailing a description alleging that there was Russian interference in the election targeted against Hillary. The...

Gun Control & What’s Wrong

  The entire problem with control has been focused upon if someone is a criminal. While they have tried to paint Cruz as a racist against blacks and Muslims,...