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International News

The 8.6-Year Frequency is Within Nature

QUESTION: You have noticed that the 8.6-year frequency even allowed you to see that volcanic eruptions would begin in 2018. Are there other examples from history...

Did Obama Use the FBI the Same as Nixon Used His Own People to Spy on Opposition?

  While Robert Mueller was not in charge of the FBI after 2013, the new revelations that the FBI was spying on members in the Trump Campaign are very alarming....

Draghi Calls for Consolidation of Debts?

COMMENT: You were here in Brussels a few weeks ago. Suddenly, the ECB is talking about the need to merge the debts to prevent a crisis. So your lobbying here seems...

Hawaii Volcano – Right of Schedule?

(Download USGS Report on Hawaii) COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I think you have proven time and again that there is a cyclical nature to everything. You said in the...

EU Migration Chief Say Europe Will Continue to Take Refugees “For Decades to Come”

The EU migration chief, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has demonstrated that politicians are just so out of touch with reality they are securing their own...

How Cycles to Diseases are Ignored

It is amazing to me how, outside of physics, the world remains ignorant to the cycles that control absolutely everything right down to the cycle of...

The Complexity & Fractal Nature of Nature

They have recently confirmed that not merely are the Milankovitch Cycles correct, but there is a fractal nature to everything as well as a cycle that sits on top...

Malaysian Election Demonstrates the Wave of Political Change of Trump, BREXIT, Italy, Spain, etc is still in motion

COMMENT #1: You were right. You said there would be a political change here in Malaysia in 2018 at your Bangkok conference. How do you do this? I am coming to...

The Rule of Law & Who Was a True Inspiration

  QUESTION: I am studying to become a lawyer. I find your legal writings fascinating. You provide a far deeper understanding of the rule of law than I am...

Bondholder Suing Spain for the Bail-In of Banco Popular

  It was only a question of when, but now those investors who lost 100% of their money in Banco Popular in Spain are filing a lawsuit demanding answers in a...