Once upon a time, police aspired to protect society. Today, police, in general, are more interested in harassing the public to raise money for the government. In...
In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the police seem to think they have a right to handcuff people just to question them when they are not even suspected of anything. The...
Many people are aware of the various attempts of Quebec to separate from Canada. What they are unaware of is the supporters of the Western Independence Party of...
The EU is now developing strict rules for carrying cash when traveling to non-European countries and returning to Europe. The revision of the First Cash Control...
QUESTION: Do you believe in life after death? JH ANSWER: This is an area of personal belief which varies from one person to the next and there is no right or wrong....
On July 12, 1722, William Wood (1671–1730), who was a hardware manufacturer, ironmaster, and mintmaster, received a contract from the British Crown to strike an...
Most people do not understand that there is the Eurogroup, which is an informal body of finance ministers from the Eurozone member states that are intended to...
There was a very interesting study that reveals what Marxist socialism is all about. It is one of the Ten Commandments that we should not be envious of what...
QUESTION: Hello Martin, Thank you very much for opening my eyes to what is going on in the world. As you well know the public here in Germany is not informed about...