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International News

The Future The Good and the Bad

  COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your service to Mankind! I look forward to seeing you and Vicky again in Orlando. I was reading your Blog...

Where The Future Looks Bright

QUESTION: Do you think stem cell research will be the next advance in medicine? KW ANSWER: It is a shame that much is misunderstood and has been driven offshore. ...

Australian Tax Office Scandal

COMMENT:  The Hunt for taxes Just to bring to your attention a scandal coming out with the Tax office in Australia pursuing aggressive revenue targets, and using...

Kidnapping for Profit

COMMENT: I read your piece on taking the profit out of prostitution to end kidnapping young girls. That has been a huge problem in Eastern Europe and girls were...

Why Parliamentary Political Systems are Dangerous

COMMENT:  Hi Martin, reading your article about the SPD imposing Marxism on Germany is horrifying. To see established political parties so greedy that...

What’s Wrong with the Internet

While the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made the admission during questioning on Capitol Hill Wednesday that his personal data was in the Cambridge Analytica leak,...

Has Trump Poisoned the Well?

QUESTION: At first, I thought you were just pro-Trump. But I have seen you criticize him on a number of things from trade to Syria. Do you think Trump has poisoned...

Germany Creates Criminal Law That Applies to Small Business

QUESTION: The coalition agreement in Germany provided for criminal sanctions against companies of any size. Naturally, the large companies can withstand such an...

SPD to Impose Marxism on Germany

The SPD in Germany is a left-wing socialist party that still believes in exploiting the rich in true Marxist fashion. Now that the SPD gained power in a coalition...

House of Lords Tries to Overturn BREXIT

The upper house in Britain has overruled the people trying to keep the UK in the EU which would destroy the British economy. The upper House of Parliament backed...