We have so many readers who are not market traders asking about the political future we have decided to provide a very special report that goes through the legal...
Comey is to testify Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee. He will most certainly be asked about conversations with Trump and the FBI probe into former...
QUESTION: Any comments on the Deutsche Bank trader admitting to manipulating the metals markets? JK ANSWER: The way these people claim the metals are manipulated...
As we approach June 8th and the elections in Britain, one must wonder how is Britain going to remain inside the EU. The British never voted on allowing the refugees...
Those who think that the election of Emmanuel Macron to the Presidency of France is the savior of the Euro probably believe that politicians are really there for...
QUESTION: Marty, is this perhaps the most corrupt period in political history? I find Hillary’s comments outright offensive that she counts on the press to...
The Swedish government has declared that they will begin drafting those born in 1999 for military service. This reintroduction of military conscription is being...
It was only last week that the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) was rumoured to be competing in the currency market, which was coincidentally followed by a...