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International News

Chernobyl and Bikini Atoll Are Rewriting Science

Bikini Atoll 70 years after nuclear tests is thriving. On July 24, 1946 Baker Test shrouded its formidable height over the U.S. Navy’s test fleet....

The Refugee Crisis is now Causing Migration of Youth to America

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your report that the politicians we have here in Europe think they need these refugees to pay future pensions. I read that the IMF...

Schulz Warning if Italy is Not Given Aid by the EU The Refugee Crisis Will Explode Again

SPD chancellor candidate Martin Schulz has come out and warned that if Italy is not given support, then it will send the refugees to Germany which it can no longer...

Migrations Always Bring Infectious Diseases

A new report by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), has confirmed that there has been a sharp rise in disease since 2015 with the arrival of the refugees in Germany....

China – A Different Central Bank Altogether

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe you once said at your conference that you were surprised when you were asked to fly to Beijing to meet with the central bank...

Does CNN Really Have the Right to Freedom of Speech?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your article on CNN imposing a fiduciary duty upon the directors as a public corporation. I tried to search if corporations truly...

Is Trump Draining or Filling the Swamp?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Trump appoint another ex-Goldman Sachs guy as the head of the SEC. Some say he is not draining the swamp but filling it. Care to comment?...

Google’s Antitrust Case in Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is Google really violating European antitrust laws to warrant such a huge fine or is this really a trade war? KQ ANSWER: It’s a trade...

Nature – Taking Care of the Elderly

A wolf pack: the first 3 are the old or sick, they give the pace to the entire pack.  If it were the other way round, they would be left behind, losing contact...