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International News

Comey & the Super Bowl of Politics

James Brien Comey Jr. is expected to do his very best to try to get Trump impeached. When you testify before Congress, you first submit an outline of what you...

What does Trump have in Common with Emperor Nero? Fake News & the Deep State?

As we approach what is being touted as a Super Bowl of politics with Comey’s testimony people are making bets will end Trump’s Presidency for good, it...

Qatar & the Rising Tensions in the Middle East – On Schedule

  Qatar is known for its ultra-modern architecture. In this respect, Doha is something to be viewed at least once in life. However, Qatar is a strict religious...

71% of People in Poland Want to Ban Muslim Immigration

The only way to protect Poland from Islamic terror attacks is to not allow Muslims to migrate en masse, which is now the view of 71% of the people. This is becoming...

Britain & the Thursday Election

“The British response to terrorism has to change,” said Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday in a speech after the new attacks in London. She...

Political Forecasting – $35 The Impeachment of Trump

We have so many readers who are not market traders asking about the political future we have decided to provide a very special report that goes through the legal...

Comey to Testify Thursday June 8th – Same Day as British Elections

Comey is to testify Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee. He will most certainly be asked about conversations with Trump and the FBI probe into former...

Is Spoofing & Front Running Market Manipulation?

QUESTION: Any comments on the Deutsche Bank trader admitting to manipulating the metals markets? JK ANSWER: The way these people claim the metals are manipulated...

Britain Under Attack – Exiting EU is Only Choice

As we approach June 8th and the elections in Britain, one must wonder how is Britain going to remain inside the EU. The British never voted on allowing the refugees...

Macron – False Hope for Europe

Those who think that the election of Emmanuel Macron to the Presidency of France is the savior of the Euro probably believe that politicians are really there for...