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International News

The Pound & BREXIT

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I voted for remain. Contrary to the post of a very biased Brit, there is a “rift” and the person who arrogantly wrote to you...

British Politics in Disarray?

The “remain” crowd thinks this is all over in Britain because Boris Johnson will not seek the PM position in the Tories, and this appears to be setting...

Forecast from the Berlin WEC: Europe the Focal Point

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the Berlin Conference. I must say, I am impressed. You said Europe was the problem and this is still unfolding with every...

Hillary’s Questionable Past

QUESTION: I found your article on Hillary email scandal very informative. So you are saying that the financial scandals were all Hillary, not Bill? ANSWER: Correct....

The European Elitist Dream – the European Union Also Known As the Superstate

QUESTION: There are now stories appearing about this nine-page document calling it and ultimatum for a superstate. But they are not publishing the document. Since...

Hillary – Has She Compromised the Country?

A very serious issue is starting to rise behind the curtain. Obama is blasting Trump as part of some global elitist group that does not exist outside of those in...

The Rising Trend of Anti-Establishment and Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your model on civil unrest and war seem to be rather amazing. The anti-establishment feeling is rising quite strong. Not sure what’s...

Standard & Poor’s Reaction Shows Political Bias

Rating Agencies Testify Before Congress for their AAA-Ratings after 2007 Standard & Poors downgraded United Kingdom (UK), which is comprised of England,...

Soros Lost Big on the Pound This Time

COMMENT: Soros has been long gold and sold all his stocks. He made a fortune. REPLY: No professional trader tells people what he will do in advance. Those...

Hillary & the Email Conspiracy that even Taints Obama

I previously reported on June 15, that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails. That is now starting to surface in the press, but naturally outside the USA where the...