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International News

BREXIT May Be Too Much to Rig

BREXIT now up 516,302 Gold is rising with resistance at 1362, support in sterling lies at 12900, and resistance in silver...

Awesome Collapse in Pound as “Leave” Vote is Ahead by Almost 300,000

This is what happens in a panic. Dealers step back and spreads widen. Sell and buy orders at the market are simply filled as they come in. It appears the bookies...

Britain Remain Will Win No Matter What the Vote?

The Vote in Newcastle was: Remain  65,404 Leave      63,598 Vote in Sunderland Goes to BREXIT Remain  51,930 Leave     82,394 this will reflect about 50%...

Cameron Government Using Rain as Excuse to Close Polls Early

The polls in England are closing early due to rain. But most likely, they were told to close because the vote may be against the government. So this may be yet...

BREXIT Results will Start at 11PM London Time or 6PM New York Time

Now is the waiting game…  First idea of results expected around...

Banks Tell Employees to Vote Remain – Meaning A Vote to Leave Must Be Best

A record 46.5 million voters have signed up to weigh in on today’s referendum, which brings up one, single question: “Should the United Kingdom remain...

BREXIT Vote Today

Today is the BREXIT vote. It is interesting that Americans are at least starting to focus on it. What is at stake is the fate of Europe. The new EU government...

EU Wants to Charge Social Security Taxes on Robots As If They Were People

Japan’s Toshiba 6502.T robot has taken on human form and visitors to the world’s biggest travel show in March were greeted by a lifelike robot. Under...

The EU is Nothing Without Britain

Cameron’s lies that Britain will suffer if they leave the EU are rather astonishing. The EU has the most to lose on so many fronts and it is rather alarming...