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International News

BREXIT is Only “Advisory” & Cameron Can Still Ignore the People

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; If BREXIT wins here since everyone I speak to seems to want to vote out rather than stay in, what would really happen? ANSWER: Assuming the...

Comment From France – Pending Rise in French Political Chaos

COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, Well, now it’s official : the french government has banned a massive trade unions demonstration that was supposed to take place...

BREXIT – Unexpected Consequences

The BREXIT vote is the result of a promise by British Prime Minister David Cameron made back in 2013 when he was besieged by the increasingly assertive...

China’s Reserves & the Flight of Money

All we have been hearing are claims that if China sends the dollar flooding back to America, the dollar will become worthless and hundreds of businesses will go...

The Clinton White House – 2.0

While the devastating book is now out entitled Crisis of Character, it effectively divides Hillary as creating all the financial scandals questioning her honesty...

The Supreme Court Just Created a Full-Blown Police State – The End of the USA Cannot Be Far Behind

The Supreme Court ruling in Utah v Strieff awarded the police total freedom to stop any citizen, at any time, to do whatever they desire. The Supreme Court...

The EU is Determined to Ensure BREXIT Will Not Succeed

Another case of fraudulent voting to save the EU has occurred in the Austrian election. The Austrian Constitutional Court has revealed outrageous...

Politicians Are Still in Denial

Arrogant politicians are in a state of denial. Some politicians think Trump cannot win the general election and are still trying to deny what this election is all...

The Father of the European Union – The Real Mover & Shaker Behind the Curtain

Most people have never heard of the real man behind the curtain who inspired the whole idea of the European Union, probably because his books are only in German....

More Hedge Funds Are Closing than Opening

  There is a crisis unfolding in hedge funds. Many are incapable of providing consistent performance, and they are really just following the talking heads if...