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International News

Russia Has Hillary’s Emails & Hacked Democrat’s Server

Russia has reportedly hacked Hillary’s server. The energy magazine reported that Russian intelligence informed Western intelligence agencies...

Department of Labor Changes Interpretation of Act to Raise Minimum Wages

The U.S. Department of Labor, acting on a directive of President Obama issued back in March 2014, has announced changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)....

Goldman Sachs Used Prostitutes To Sell Deals?

Goldman Sachs is in a lawsuit for allegedly using prostitutes, fancy meals, and hotels to swindle the Libyan government in a $1.2 billion lawsuit. Now, before you...

BREXIT Report Now Available

The propaganda to keep Britain in the EU is highly dangerous and an outright fraud upon the British people. On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to...

BREXIT Polls at 55% – Will the Euro Crash & Burn?

We provided this chart in our BREXIT Report which says it all. For all the scare mongering how Britain will be worse off if it leaves the EU, this chart...

Schäuble Says Europe Needs More Refugees to Prevent Inbreeding

German Finance Minister Schäuble is touted to replace Merkel. Like other politicians of his age, he too is just in a state of denial. Despite the fact that 2/3 of...

British EU Protester Cannot Burn EU Flag Because of Regulations

A British protester tries to set fire to EU Flag, but because of EU regulations prohibiting flammable material, he cannot complete his...

British Royal Mint Selling & Sorting Gold for Pensions

The British Royal Mint is looking to sell more of its gold reserves in the form of gold bars for pension funds for the first time. They are charging 1% to store it...

Crime Pays — But Who?

One of the eye-opening shocks I experienced after I was thrown in contempt was that nothing was what it seemed. Numerous suicides occurred but the press did not...