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International News

Congressional Elections for 2016

While the media focuses on the U.S. presidential election, the real power is dangling in Congress. The 2018 election will be far more important as there is a risk...

The Electric Crisis in Europe

Many people do not realize that the global warming/climate change deals in Europe will eliminate gasoline and diesel cars on the streets come 2020. From Norway to...

Euro Collapsing thanks to Another Brain-Dead EU Proposal

Merkel’s failed refugee policy is destroying the fabric of Europe and raising international concerns that Europeans may need visas because she has introduce...

13-Year-Old Child Accused of Possessing a Counterfeit Note in School

A Houston school called the police after a little girl tried to buy her lunch with what was assumed to be a counterfeit bill. The teacher assumed it was...

What the Press is Not Talking About Bernie Beating Hillary

Bernie beat Hillary in Indiana. They are focusing on Trump beating Cruz, ignoring that Bernie beat Hillary. What this is revealing is that people are angry at...

Trump Wins – Cruz Ends his Bid for President

On Tuesday, Ted Cruz ended his campaign. His loss in Indiana extinguished any chance of denying Mr. Trump the nomination. Trump easily took Indiana, demonstrating...

Obama Takes Swipe at Hillary & Goldman Sachs

No, I did not attend this year’s correspondents dinner. I’ve been very busy programming. Nevertheless, Obama took a swipe at Trump as expected, but he...

The European Refugee Crisis is Changing the Face of Europe

For the first time in Britain, the number one name given to boys upon birth was Muḥammad. This is how Rome died. The affluent typically see birth rates decline...

Saudi Arabia on the Ropes?

There is serious trouble brewing in Saudi Arabia. They have been dumping oil and increasing their output by 3.5%. However, the cash is being kept offshore. Rumors...

John Boehner: Cruz is “Lucifer in the Flesh” and a “Miserable Son of a B*tch”

I have been warning that behind the curtain they really dislike this guy. He is dreaming if he thinks that the Republican elite would rather have him than Trump....