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International News

#DemocracySpring Protest Against Corporate Ownership of Politians

Over 400 protesters were arrested in Washington for exercising their First Amendment right Assemble and Free Speech. They were protesting the ownership of Congress...

Goldman Sachs Pleads Guilty — Shareholders Pay $5bn to Keep Bankers out of Prison

    On Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that Goldman Sachs has agreed to plead guilty again and will pay $5.06 billion for its role in the...

US Airlines — the Unfriendly Skies

Airlines in the United States, including Delta, American, and United, are engaging in outright criminal behavior under the anti-trust laws. They charge a $200 fee...

How Politicians Justify Denying the People the Right to Vote

In the wake of the Dutch vote against allowing Ukraine into the EU, SPIEGEL has reported on the arrogance of EU ministers who criticize the people’s ability...

Call for Cameron to Resign over Panama Papers

The revelation that David Cameron’s father had offshore accounts through Panama has continued to plague Cameron and could create a nudge toward the tipping...

New Poll Shows Republican Elites May Lose it All

The Republican elites are extremely arrogant. This is about them retaining control and power; not whatever the people may want. A new Reuters poll shows that...

Why Are the U.S. Elections So Important?

Those in Washington like to blow their own horn by claiming the American president is the “leader of the free world,“ but all they do is talk among...

Sanders Beats Hillary in Wyoming; Trump Loses Colorado

Bernie Sanders continues to nip at Hillary’s heels and is preventing her from winning an uncontested coronation. Cruz beat Trump in Colorado but cannot...

Will Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney be the Republican Candidate?

The talk is a flurry in Washington and the plan seems to be centered around a brokered convention in the Republican camp. Ted Cruz is disliked and they hate Trump...

Cologne Police Ordered to Remove the Word “RAPE” From Reports After New Year’s Eve Attack

The Independent has reported that the police in Cologne, Germany, who were investigating the New Year’s Eve Muslim refugee attack were told to remove the...