The talk outside the United States is how well-known analyst has found that there were massive discrepancies regarding the amount and use of donations in addition...
Mario Draghi cannot possibly admit that he is dead wrong in managing the European economy. This idea that continuing to lower rates will somehow inspire people to...
It is just now coming out that some recognized refugees have been traveling back to the countries they fled to take vacations. This is further rubbing salt into the...
QUESTION: I saw you at your presentation in Dresden last year. Things in the East are rather different from the West in Europe. Do you have any comments on this...
There is another aspect to the 2016 presidential election that seems to be missing from discussions. There the very basic fundamental issue concerning Hillary...
With the ECB expanding its quantitative easing program to include corporate debt, European companies are now scrambling to issue as much debt as they can as cheap...
A Hillary presidency should be the best possible outcome for the markets since they should then begin to reflect what happens when you completely undermine...
QUESTION: Marty; Why do you say your opinion is not worth much? You have been around for some time and you are the only analyst to have been behind the curtain. If...
Margaret Thatcher was spot on when she warned that Britain would not join the Euro for the covert maneuvers behind the scenes was to create the federalization of...