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International News

Obama – You Can’t Fool All the People All the Time

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I remember Obama promising to eliminate income tax on seniors. They always just say whatever gets them votes and never do anything they...

Head of Hungary Comes Out for Trump

  With terrorism raging in Europe, Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary came out and publicly stated that the anti-terrorism proposals of Donald Trump make...

Election 2016: Libertarian v Trump v Hillary

QUESTION: Marty – Your computer has been predicting the uptick of a 3rd party candidate. Why do you never talk about Gary Johnson or the Libertarian Party?...

Obama’s Brother Supports Trump

President Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, has come out in support of Donald Trump. He says he is unhappy with his brother’s leadership. Malik was...

ECB Brings European Banks to the Brink of Disaster

The European banking crisis is spreading rapidly. There are now concerns in Italy and in Portugal as well. The ECB cannot even understand why people would not want...

Goldman Sachs Sued for $510 Million

Goldman Sachs has been sued for $510 million in New York State Court, which is at least more viable than federal court. The case is Primus Pacific Partners I LP v...

Wall Street Starting to Worry That Hillary May Lose

Support for Hillary continues to collapse. Wall Street’s previous expectation was that Hillary would win. That was the opinion of about 80% of the people on...

Obama Blames Russia for Exposing DNC & Hillary Fraud – Sorry, Not Likely

Obama has come out and blamed Russia for hacking the DNC. This, of course, is a diversion to create sympathy for Hillary and change the top of fraud, lies, and...

Wikileaks Confirms Hillary is For Sale

The WikiLeaks release of the Democratic National Committee’s emails and documents have confirmed what has always been self-evidence to those behind the curtain...

Wikileaks & DNC Emails Show Conspiracy Against Bernie

The hacking of the Democratic Party has been an eye-opener. WikiLeaks dumped a massive load of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee onto the web on...