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International News

South Carolina: Apple & Donald Trump

  Trump took South Carolina with less than 40%. Bush just has the wrong name and should give up. The real reasons to worry are Cruz and Rubio, as both would...

Former Student Arrested for Late Student Loan Payments, Thanks to Hillary

FOX News reported that the U.S. Marshals Service in Houston is arresting people for failing to pay their outstanding federal student loans. Actually, Paul Aker,...

Canada Selling Part of Its Gold Reserves

Governments everywhere are going broke. Despite what people think, gold may yet make new record lows under $1,000 in the months ahead. Canada has sold off a...

California Dreaming: The Great Migration from California

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I live in San Francisco (silicon Valley) and due to internet and automation, technology is doing well and Real estate has been strong,...

India & the Hunt for Money

COMMENT: hi marty, i am from india. You ve no idea how much your blogs have helped me understand the duplicity of our governments. The Government has made mandatory...

Australia Is Hunting for People Who Use Business Cars to Go to Sports Games

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I have followed your work for more than 7 years now and it is fair to say that you have opened my eyes and mind to how the world and global...

Largarde Wants to Continue Ruling the World from IMF

Christine Lagarde does not want to leave the IMF that rules the world from the Troika, which has become an unelected dictatorship. These types of people never want...

EU Fears the British Referendum Will Be a Contagion

European Council President Donald Tusk has warned that the EU is in danger of a total collapse. He has come out to say that David Cameron’s referendum in Britain...

Britain Seizing Pension Funds?

  I have been warning that Chancellor George Osborne is probably going to go down in history as the man who destroys what is left of the British empire. He has...

European Banking Crisis

European banks are in a real crisis. They have been decimated by fines and trading after they tried to mimic their New York competition without the same expertise....