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International News

Merkel Calls on NATO to Stop Influx of Refugees

Merkel has called upon NATO to block the influx of refugees. She has announced cooperation of German police with Turkish police to stop the migration to Europe....

An Overview of the Political Storm

Trump and Sanders have a lot more in common than people suspect. What is Bernie saying at the core? He needs a revolution to get most of what he is talking about...

Germany to Enforce a €5,000 Limit on Cash Transactions

The German people do not have to worry about their taxes rising because of the Greeks; the refugees are whom they should worry about. Now the German government is...

Hillary & Goldman Sachs: A 20+ Year Relationship

Hillary refuses to explain, no less release, transcripts of her “speeches” for Goldman Sachs. What they paid Hillary for just three speeches is more...

Why Government Is Becoming the Enemy

The protest at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge over the government’s claim to land has ended in bloodshed. The attitude of the police has degenerated to...

Is the Fed Being Browbeaten into Negative Rates?

The Federal Reserve is in a real crisis. Interest rates are falling negative around the world which by no means has succeeded in stimulating anything. Governments...

Total Government Incompetence — Germany Lost 5,000 Children

I have criticized those in government for being totally incompetent to the point that they could not manage a bubble gum machine. Some comments said I have been too...

A Cashless Europe – Stupidity Has No Limitations

  QUESTION: Martin, An all electronic currency seems almost inevitable to some, however as you have stated in the past not everyone ha the ability/facility to...

Rubio — the Trump Slayer

The real winner of the Iowa caucus was Marco Rubio (born May 28, 1971), the junior United States Senator from the state of Florida who has served since January...

USA: Where Politicians Are Free to Rig the Game

As to be expected, the Republicans are up to dirty tricks to try to prevent Trump from being the candidate. After the Iowa Caucus, reports are surfacing from...