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International News

Trump & Taxation

On his website, Donald Trump’s tax plan still maintains the income tax while making it lower and simpler. All I can say is that I hope Trump remains open...

If you Need a Reason to Sell Britain Try Cameron — the New Closet Marxist

Prime Minister David Cameron shows how politicians are really cross dressers. Just because he is the head of the Conservatives does not mean that he is...

Trump Highlights the Hypocrisy of HIllary

Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton, who is championing the disarmament of America, by challenging her by saying bluntly that if guns do not keep people safe, then...

China to Impose Fee on Cancelled Orders

China is taking a unique approach to regulating markets. They are looking to impose a tax or fee per order to prevent traders from flooding exchanges with orders...

Poland’s Euroskeptic Conservatives Move to End Brussel’s Control of the Press

  Last October, Poland’s opposition Law and Justice Party won the election with 37.6% of the vote, which was enough for it to govern alone. Law and...

Poland's Euroskeptic Conservatives Move to End Brussel's Control of the Press

Last October, Poland’s opposition Law and Justice Party won the election with 37.6% of the vote, which was enough for it to govern alone. Law and Justice is...

Sunni & Shia Tensions Rise in Middle East

Protesters stormed and ransacked Saudi Arabia’s embassy on Sunday after gathering to denounce the kingdom for executing a prominent Shia cleric. According...

Turkey Civil War – Is it Coming?

Turkey’s military actions have struck far more Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) targets than ISIS targets, leading many to suspect that the government is using...

Attempted Assassination of Nigel Farage

The Daily Mirror reported the attempted assassination of Nigel Farage. Someone tampered with his car to ensure the wheels would fall off while driving on the...

Iraq Threatens War with Turkey

Iraq warns that it will take military action against Turkey if they do not withdraw their troops from their territory. This would get complicated since Turkey is a...