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International News

Schengen Agreement on the Verge of Extinction

We warned last February that the cornerstone of the EU — the freedom of movement to create the United States of Europe — would collapse. This effort to...

Trump – the Next President?

Donald Trump has surged to 36% in the polls, which is driving the political pundits crazy. After more than 30 years of dealing directly with politicians around the...

Spanish Elections – December 20

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, a member of the Popular Party (PP), announced shortly before the general election (expected to be on December 20) that a...

Europe – Here we GO Again

The European economic crisis just keeps getting worse. The European Commission is now planning to pool all money for bank bailouts among nations. That means the...

USA Losing Sovereignty to World Fiscal Mismanagement

The IMF and many economists (domestic and foreign) are now warning that a rate hike by the U.S. Federal Reserve, no matter when, will spark a major economic crisis...

Schäuble Said Refuge Crisis Will Not Destroy Europe

  Schäuble has said that the refugee crisis will not destroy Europe and it will proceed. This illustrates our crisis with career politicians. He MUST take...

How Stocks Rise in an Economic Decline

QUESTION: Marty, Japan is in another recession but the Nikkei continues to go up!! I assume this is mainly because of the carry trade?? Your thought, please....

France Exempting Itself from all EU Rules

Do politicians ever really care about society? President Hollande wants to change the French Constitution, but he also wants to extend the state of emergency...

Finland Referendum Forces Debate on Euro Exit

Even traditional economists are now waking up to the downside of the euro. The euro was supposed to promote European harmony by eliminating costly currency...

London Property Crashes – Off 11.5% in One Month

It appears the London Property Market bubble has peaked with the Osbourne changes in taxation and the Economic Confidence Model. Already, just since the turn on...