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International News

Father of Euro Warns of Brussels & Death of Democracy

The man whose idea gave life to the euro, Professor Otmar Issing, said it would be “dangerous” to transfer control over tax and spending to the EU federal...

Taxman Demands Sex or Threatens to Shut Woman’s Business Down

An IRS Agent was arrested by police for threatening to close a woman’s business unless she had sex with him. The IRS Agent, Samuel Garza, showed up at the...

Political Corruption Sanctioned by Mainstream Press?

The press is cleverly twisting the Hillary e-mail scandal to her benefit by narrowing their focus on what qualifies as “secret” instead of the fact that she...

My Bet is on Biden for the Democratic Candidate

There is no question that Obama supports Joe Biden, not Hillary. There is absolutely no possible way the FBI would be investigating Hillary and her server without...

Language is the Key to an Empire

Bush is taking on Trump over his comment to uphold English as America’s primary language. “We’re a nation that speaks English. Whether we like it or...

Hillary’s E-mails – Astonishing

The most incredible aspect of Hillary’s e-mail scandal is the media’s total dismissal of a simple fact — Hillary DID NOT use the government’s e-mail...

Judge Sentenced to 28 Years in Prison for Selling Kids to For-Profit Prison; Police Chief Sentenced to 1 Year for Murder

Finally, a state judge was sentenced to 28 years in prison for taking bribes from a private juvenile prison where he sentenced kids for the profit of the prison....

The #1 Terrorist Group = Domestic Citizens

  Government talks about Islamic terrorists, but their number one fear is YOU. The internment camps are for you, not Islamic extremists. Government CANNOT...

Medicare Costs May Jump 52% in 2016

Before, I never had to pay when I picked up medicine for my mother. Ever since Obamacare, I have to pay a fair amount. Now, almost one-third of the roughly 50...

CalPERS – Buying the High in Bonds? Oh Boy.

CalPERS, California Pension Plan for government workers, is adopting policies that demonstrate that they are incapable of managing money. They cannot handle the...