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International News

Schäuble wants Brussels to Tax Directly – Good Night Europe

German Federal Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, envisions that the Euroland has to assume control to relieve the local politicians of the need to raise taxes...

Banks Become the Target of the Hunt for Taxation

A very serious issue in banking has arisen that bears watching. Our model has been warning is that the bankers are losing control of government and are now becoming...

Politics: The Risk of a Third Party for 2016

Historically, the Republican Party is the one that splits. It has been an odd mixture of liberalism from the viewpoint of citizen rights before those of the...

The Tax Hunt for Loose Change – Germany To Cause Mass Exit of Existing Assets

Well if you ever needed PROOF that gold is not money, but rather simply an asset class, all you need to do is look at what governments are doing. They are hunting...

China Moving Closer to Taking the Yuan International

China’s move to create a yuan based contract for gold was portrayed by the gold promoters cheering this as their savior, but for all the hype, the mere fact...

Schäuble – The Man Behind the Throne

It was about 20 years ago when Wolfgang Schäuble, current German Finance Minister, wrote his paper on the danger in the Eurozone reflecting on European...

EU Council President Donald Tusk Warns of Revolution in Europe

Polish EU Council President, Donald Tusk, was shocked by the fierce debate over the Greek bailout in the EU Parliament. He told the FT: “It was the first...

Greek Pilot Flies F16 to Turkey to Withdraw Cash From Bank

According to a media report from the French website Radio Cockpit, a Greek military pilot Major Homer Sipostopulos, flew his F-16 jet and landed in the Turkish...

Wesley Clark & U.S. Internment Camps

There is little doubt that the government has been building internment camps to use during periods of civil unrest as socialism collapses. People who think this is...

Connectivity is Everything

I have been stating all along that attempting to forecast gold in isolation is the equivalent of summoning a witch doctor for cancer. Everything in this world is...