Whenever the establishment is seriously threatened, they respond with assassination. This is historically the normal in all cultures. One of the more credible...
Many people have written emails to ask if we have a model on Yellowstone National Park’s potential for the largest volcano eruption in history. A new study...
The number one issue concerning Donald Trump is the misrepresentation that this political unrest is about Trump. We are watching a worldwide uprising against...
QUESTION: Marty; It seems like government always has some covert agenda. The exposure of the FBI lying about being unable to hack the iPhone Apple is just typical....
The elitist press are starting to realize that they are the problem. “Trump voters are a coalition of the dispossessed. They have suffered lost jobs, lost wages,...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI The problem with politics is that we do NOT get what we pay for. This is why career politicians just have to go. They...
The ramifications for the refugee crisis in Europe are crossing the “pond” and arriving in the USA. There are mainstream politicians now calling for...
Socialism is dead. The new proposal for failed banks moving forward will be for the bank to seize the money of its depositors and issue them stock in its place....
Goldman Sachs is at the center of a probe into the rigging of U.S. Treasury Auctions, which was the same allegation that resulted in the Treasury shutting down...