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International News

Is Canada Preparing for War?

Canada has made it drastically harder to apply for citizenship. The curious issue is the bottom-line concerning the military. There never was a fast track in...

“Men Willingly Believe What They Wish to Believe” – Julius Caesar

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.” “Men willingly believe what they wish to believe.” Conspiracy theories have been going on...

Trump for President – Sorry, Nope!

QUESTION: Do you hear anything that would indicate that Donald Trump would make a positive difference in the “Big Bang” should he become president? He...

Mario Draghi Backs Down on Greece

We are really plagued by people in government who are totally clueless on how markets trade. They have been arrogant in assuming they do not need Greece and if they...

Government Has Gone Insane – That’s What a Phase Transition Is All About

“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad,” was spoken by Prometheus in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem “The Masque of...

U.S. Changing Credit Card Liability on October 1, 2015

Curious note: On October 1, 2015 – the day of the Big Bang – the U.S. will begin shifting to EMV (Europay, MasterCard® and Visa®) “smart card”...

The Collapse of Obama’s Trade Deal May Be the Start of the Split in Republicans

The word from the Hill is very interesting. The minority conservative Republicans are starting to revolt against Boehner – the destroyer of the Republican Party....

Expect Real Estate Mortgages to Become a Nightmare

As a result of Title XIV of The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (another agency to complicate...

The Feds Are Hunting Money Retroactively – Is a Real Estate Crash Coming?

If you apply for a mortgage, you will suddenly encounter the REAL hunt for money. My sister just bought a house and to get the mortgage she had to explain every...

Boehner Wants to Join Obama to Raise Taxes on Small Business

John Boehner, Mr. Ultimate Establishment Republican, is desperately trying to secure the passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for Obama, which would give...