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International News

Rising Separatist Movement in Corsica & Riots Against Muslims

For the last several year, the youth in Corsica have been clashing with police in a separatist protest. This is the youth uprising — the lost generation that...

Universities Sued for Consumer Fraud — Has Their Time Come?

Clark Moffatt went to law school to persue his dream job as a lawyer working in the American criminal justice system (like we really need more prosecutors). Nearly...

Cameron Selling out Britain? Pound to Fall to 55 cents?

There is little doubt that David Cameron offered a referendum on Britain exiting the European Union (EU) because he thought it would never win. Now that the polls...

EU May Drop Visa Requirement for Ukraine

The ongoing dramatic events in Ukraine have demonstrated, once again, the high commitment of Maidan protesters and the citizens of Ukraine to become more closely...

EU Summit Disaster — "Another Victory Like That, and We Have Lost"

Merkel has to be saying to herself, “Another victory like that, and we have lost.” She may have made TIME’s Person of the Year, however, so...

Health Care Reaching its 51.6 Year Peak in 2017

COMMENT: You have discussed the growing threat of antibiotic resistance several times.  Sadly, I must confess, I am, in part, responsible for this trend. I am a...

EU Destroying Olive Trees Without Evidence?

QUESTION:  Hi Mr. Armstrong! Thank you for all that you do in keeping me sane by making sense of certain things that I can not seem to comprehend. Here’s one...

The Move to America — the Great Capital Migration

Something very interesting is unfolding. Included in the new year-end spending bill was a waiver of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA), which...

Bank of Italy Bails Out Four Banks

The European banking crisis is brewing. Last month alone, the Bank of Italy poured €3.6 billion euros into Banca Marche, Banca Etruria (PEL.MI), CariChieti, and...

Refugees Vanish After Entry in East Germany

Thousands of refugees disappeared in East Germany without a trace after the initial reception. This merely highlights the security risks for Europe as a whole. The...