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International News

The Euro & the Press

Typical. The European press is claiming that the euro decline is over, and a Greece default will not harm Europe. This seems to be the standard propaganda from...

IRS Seizing Small Business Accounts Because of Cash Deposits

The IRS is seizing accounts of small business operations under the crime called “Structuring”. This is where you deposit less than $10,000 two or more times to...

Republicans For Sale: Thornberry’s Bogus Defense Bill

Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Mac Thornberry’s new bill set to pass this week will change how the Pentagon buys weapons, the very...

Congress Argues They Can Use Insider Info to Trade Personally

In a brief to the courts, Congress argues that it violates the Separation of Powers for the SEC to investigate politicians for using inside information to...

New York Justice System Exposed

Last night in Munich, lawyers in the audience debated when and if the collapse in the U.S. Justice System could happen in Germany. What the film is exposing is very...

Hillary Should be Careful Using “Sincerely” to Sign Letters

The popular view of the word “sincerely” has been its possible link to ancient Roman times. The Roman administrators grew tired of the frauds by...

Riots Erupting in London Over Conservative Victory

A protest has erupted in central London against the re-election of Britain’s Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron, with demonstrators throwing bottles,...

HSBC Threatens to Return to Hong Kong

HSBC is threatening to return to Hong Kong where the bank began, given the rise in regulations that is going on. Well of course it would be good, since China will...

France to Spy on Their Own People

The trend towards using terrorism as the excuse to shutdown money and to monitor the general public continues. Authorities are looking closely at eliminating paper...

Iran, War, & Lies

Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has come out and told the world that two American officials threatened military action against Iran if there was no...