According to Nigel, Portugal’s refusal to allow a democratically elected party to take office because of their anti-euro views is the “final straw” for the...
The Terrorism Act in Britain has been used to seize the laptop of a BBC journalist who produced a series of reports on British-born jihadis. As always, police...
Barcelona plans to release its own currency in the coming spring. The money will initially exist only in digital form and will support the regional economy,...
A bipartisan group of House members is teaming up with banks in an 11th-hour effort to kill a provision that would raise $17 billion to help pay for a six-year...
I reported from Poland that the rising trend there was anti-euro, which has manifested into an anti-immigrant movement. I will be there next March once again....
In the Austrian town of Reichenfels in Carinthia, the refugees have protested and their abuse of water has led to rationing water for the entire town. The refugee...
COMMENT: Hi Marty, I’m another Englishman who is an avid reader of your blog and am very much looking forward to your ECM conference material later this year....
The federal government’s calculations show that about half a million refugees and immigrants who are coming to Germany will find themselves unemployed in the...
The IMF has come out and warned that Saudi Arabia may go bankrupt within the next five years if the government maintains its current spending habits. Some...