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International News

Immigrant/Refugee Protests Building in Germany

Protests are rising in Germany over the entire immigrant/refugee issue. This is the backdrop to the rumors running around behind closed doors in Berlin. Political...

Merkel Under Fire for the Immigrant Crisis

The latest rumor running around Berlin has Merkel resigning and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble taking her place as Chancellor in the Berlin government. It has...

Canadian Election: “Sunny ways my friends. Sunny ways.”

The Canadian elections are on par with the world trend – whoever is in office, throw the bums out. The election took place on Monday, October 19, the anniversary...

Swiss Elections Turn Right

The SVP won the elections in Switzerland, moving the nation a bit to the right and anti-immigration. This is becoming a global trend that we are monitoring in...

Will Illinois Be the First State to Go Bankrupt?

The state of Illinois is in real trouble. The state employees have been bleeding the state dry and are demanding that they raise taxes so they can get theirs. This...

Democratic Debate: Hillary Made Student Loans Non-Dischargeable in Bankruptcy & Bernie Wants More Taxes

QUESTION: Marty, any comment on the Democratic debate? ANSWER: The debate was boring, pandering, with no vision or reality! Everyone said Hillary won....

The Coming French Revolution of 2020?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Paris. You said the civil unrest would rise in France going into 2018 and there was a risk of another French...

Comment From France

  COMMENT: Hello sir, In your last blog article about France, you mentionned the come back of Sarkzoy. Although, i do not rule out a possible victory, he has...

Putin Explains Who Created ISIS and Gives His View on Syria

Putin has revealed that he is far more intelligent than the Western media likes to portray him. Putin has pointed out that during the last two World Wars, Russia...