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International News

China Devalues Yuan — Why?

China devalued the yuan in what many think was a surprise move. What they do not understand is that this move is more than trying to firm up exports; this...

Chicago Wants to Tax Video & Music on Internet

Governments are the worst possible invention of humankind for they merge the rule of law with their self-interest to exploit the people for their own subsistence....

Hello from Mumbai/Bombay

I received a lot of emails after announcing that I would be in India this coming week. Here I am, updating from Mumbai, which was Bombay up until 1995. Mumbai is...

Trump – Paul – Debate

QUESTION: Marty; What did you think of Trump and Rand Paul in the debate? Thanks BP ANSWER: I felt Trump held his own. The moderators were biased and starting the...

Did FOX News Try to Politically Assassinate Trump to Maintain the Status Quo?

  FOX News is really starting to show how they are attempting to influence the elections by destroying Donald Trump through claims that he is against women....

The Republican Debate on FOX News

The debate everyone has been waiting for revealed the bias of the moderators and their secret agenda against Trump. The second most interesting exchange was between...

Federal Workers Are Exempt From the Full Draconian Position on Student Loans

QUESTION: Marty, there is a email going around claiming among many things that members of Congress, their staffers and their family members do not have to pay back...

Economists Say Trump is Wrong

Yahoo reported that economists deny Trump’s ability to bring jobs back to America from China and other countries. Well, the economists are wrong. All it would...

French Elite Say Either Germany Leaves the Euro or Economic Chaos is their Fate

The French elite are now calling for a German exit from the euro as a solution since the rest of them are heading into Marxist la-la land. The Greek crisis has...

Would Bill Be a Sexy First Lady?

Our computer says that Bill Clinton will not get to dress up for White House Parties — what a shame. He would have been one of the sexier/flirtier First Ladies...