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International News

The Greek Nightmare

QUESTION: Marty, With the default of Greece and their exit from the Euro, what is likely to happen to the debt and what rate would you expect the drachma to be...

Gordon Brown, Saving Banks Is Saving the World

  YouTube Video: Bit of Good Fun as Brown Claims Saving Banks Saves the...

Why the Fed Will Have to Raise Interest Rates

The prospect of the Federal Reserve remaining on track to raise interest rates later this year is still settling in, yet people fail to grasp that raising rates...

The Polish Election – Really No Surprise

  Polish President, Bronislaw Komorowski, 62, conceded defeat to conservative challenger Andrzej Duda, 43, shown above voting in the Sunday’s presidential...

Kiss Your Pension Fund Goodbye

  I have warned for some time that government was eyeing up pensions. There is about $19.4 trillion dollars in private pension funds. How will they justify...

Jean-Claude Juncker Is Creating a Political EU Commission – Non-Politicians Get Out

Incoming European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has cleverly created an EU executive that is essentially former politicians only. His intention has...

BREXIT – Bank of England Researching Departing From EU

The Bank of England is studying the implications of a possible British exit from the European Union, as it slipped in an email to the Guardian acknowledging such a...

Merkel Spying on France & EU Commission?

So far, Angela Merkel has beaten every scandal that has emerged, from the euro to the NSA. She has been the real pillar in the euro and it now seems she may have...

Cashless Transactions Exceed Cash Transactions in Britain

BBC is now reporting that cashless transactions have exceeded cash transactions in the British economy. We are now watching how the media is conditioning society to...

Fed v Treasury/Congress

COMMENT: The issue for me on the national level is debt-based money.  And that’s what the Federal Reserve is basically doing, issuing debt based money or...