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International News

U.S. vs. Brussels on Greece

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, It seems curious that the IMF would release a report ahead of the Greek Referendum that was over the objections of the European members....

Cashless Society Coming to Germany

The North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Finance Norbert Walter-Borjans (SPD) has called for an upper limit for paying with cash amounting to €3000. The...

The Greek Referendum

Voting today began at 7 AM local time in Greece and will continue until 9 PM. The polls show a virtually even split. We are likely going to see civil war unfold in...

Cycle of War & Obama’s New War Doctrine

When people heard for the first time that we had developed a Cycle of War that pinpointed the start of World War I and II, as well as the Vietnam War, among many...

Russia – You Cannot Leave if You Owe Money

In the USA, they can revoke your passport if you owe the government $50,000 or more. Russia seems to be adopting a similar tactic. More than six million Russians...

Athens: The Prelude to Freedom or Perpetual Economic Servitude?

The reading from our staff on the grounds in Athens seems to be 50/50 right now, but the NO vote appears to be more organized with booths and stalls setup...

A Letter to the FT From a 21-Year-Old Greek

The cold-hearted bastards who want to rule the world should just for once realize it is not all about them. This is part of letter to the FT. We are plagued by...

35% of Americans Want Out?

In a recent poll, 35% of Americans would like to resign their citizenship. Of course, this report by CNBC is a bit distorted. It was a poll taken by Americans using...

A Pledge Submitted by an American Reader

I pledge allegiance to no flag, but to truth and morality. which doesn’t seem to exist in the Divided States of America. And to no republic, for it stands for...

Merkel’s Obsession with Austerity & Bias of the Press Against Greece

The obsession with austerity stems from Germany’s experience with hyperinflation. This is akin to the USA’s obsession with the deflation of the Great...