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International News

Troika – the Great Destroyer

The idea of creating one unified European government to prevent European wars has grown out of a lesson learned from the disaster of World War II and German Nazi...

Troika Maneuvering to Rig Greek Referendum

In a TV interview, Mr. Varoufakis said very clearly, “This is a very dark moment for Europe. They have closed our banks for the sole purpose of blackmailing...

Letter from Tsipras to the Troika

Here is the Letter from Greece to the Troika The letter, written by Alexis Tsipras, is addressed to Jean Claude Juncker, Mario Draghi, and Christine Lagarde....

Greece Surrenders its Sovereignty to Brussels

The Syriza government is backing down after the realization that Brussels will declare economic war on Greece by deliberately trying to plunge the country into...

You Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday. Two years ago,...

Politicians Have Absolutely No Endgame

Here is a list of the demands that the European Commission placed upon Greece. They are totally insane without any comprehension of the future. These demands are...

Greek Referendum is a Vote on Grexit

Brussel’s worst nightmare is coming true. The one thing the Troika has fought so hard to do is kill any democratic vote on the euro by the people in every...

EU Banning Selfies Under Copyright of Architect?

Remembrance photos in front of the Reichstag or other famous buildings in Europe may be banned in the future. The European Parliament will vote on the abolition...

Will Puerto Rico Be the Next Greece?

On Monday, Puerto Rico is set to release a key report on its financial stability. Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla told The New York Times that the island would...

Greece Imposes Capital Controls

Alexis Tsipras has imposed capital controls as Greek banks are to remain closed. The European Central Bank (ECB) said it was not increasing emergency funding to...