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International News

Judge Threatens to Put Trump in Prison on Contempt

  Let me explain something here where this Judge is out of control and should be stripped of any legal license if not thrown in a dungeon for his treason...

Capital Gains Taxes Loom Over Blue States – Welcome to the Great Reset

Eleven states may face capital gain taxes to comply with the Biden Administration’s 2025 budget, in which the government must hunt the people for taxes to pay for...

Civil Unrest Across US Universities – Staged Actors

  Staged actors have been embedded in US universities to promote the pro-Palestinian, anti-US sentiments. Professional agitators have been utilized countless...

The UK Will Deport Migrants to Rwanda

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally has the power to bypass the European Union courts and tackle the UK’s migrant crisis. About 1,843 illegal immigrants crossed...

AstraZeneca Admits Vaccine Had Lethal Side Effect

Vaccine manufacturers and health agencies have been silently admitting that their “safe and effective” COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have deadly side effects....

The Traitor Waving Ukrainian Flags on the House Floor Should be Removed from Office

    President Theodore Roosevelt made it perfectly clear Anyone who has any allegiance to a flag OTHER THAN American has no business being in public...

Will Russia Push the Button?

  Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselyov (born 1954) is a major TV host, and his latest warning to the West is to issue an ultimatum to the UK and the US. On Russian...

Half of Americans Want Mass Deportations

Inflation and migration are two major issues trending before the elections. A new Axios Vibes survey by The Harris Poll found that half (51%) of Americans want...

Smith & Merrick Garland of DOJ Have NO Constitutional Authority to Prosecute Trump – PERIOD!!!!

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, You may be a trader, but your understanding of constitutional law far surpasses that of most attorneys. I heard your father was also such a...

Why Trump Can Only be Put on Trial by Congress – Not the Department of Justice

QUESTION: I would love to hear your legal comments on Trump’s immunity claim. EP ANSWER: I would approach this from a geopolitical and practical manner. Trump...