Socrates had forecast a declining trend for the Democrats and their majority is so razor-thin, they have a serious problem. This is why Biden is circumventing...
As always, politicians, once they taste power, just cannot stay away. Mario Draghi, the guy who has destroyed Europe with his negative interest rates since 2014...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is refusing to work with GOP Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas after he tweeted a signal that the two of them could work together...
Ronald Reagan was 70 years old when he became President. That made him the oldest until Biden. What is most interesting is how age was a question he was...
COMMENT: I find it interesting how the two worse-run states in the country are the ones who lead Congress. This does not give me confidence in the future....
The Democrats appear to be deliberately trying to divide the country to undermine their opposition. They seem to want violence to emerge so they can justify their...
QUESTION: You said the impeachment may be illegal because Trump is no longer the president. Do you think it will still go on? DK ANSWER: We are in the twilight...