The Republican majority in the Pennsylvania State Senate refuses to swear in a Democratic senator and votes to remove Lt. Gov. from presiding over the... Even in Japan, people realize that the election has been stolen. Biden will not have the...
Make no mistake about this, we have the merger of three theories as part of this Great Reset which has merged the old ideas of a one-world government with...
Nancy Pelosi won another term as Speaker of the House of Representatives on Sunday, but it was a much closer election as the 117th Congress began. The...
COMMENT: Marty; your warning that the Republican party will self-destruct and your insightful post about Trumpism was around before Trump is very important. I just...
QUESTION: You never said that the Republicans would split only the Democrats. Has something changed? SD ANSWER: No. The Democratic split is different. That is a...
QUESTION: You are not optimistic that Pence will defend Trump and the country? DK ANSWER: No. Pence was a member of Congress. Trump’s fatal flaw was that he...
Many people are praying that Vice President Mike Pence will reject the count from the disputed states for it is his plenary duty to accept or reject those...